Maybe the most sought out animal in Maine is the giant moose. They are plentiful in the state. People go on Sunday drives all the time in search of the animal.

Maybe the most sought out animal in Maine is the giant moose. They are plentiful in the state. People go on Sunday drives all the time in search of the animal.
The first turtles in the world are believed to have existed over 220,000 million years ago. Many of them turtles live to be over 100…
I was browsing through the insurmountable collection of photographs that we have gathered over the past few years. I wanted to give everybody a warm…
Deer are fascinating creatures to watch. Most of the time, they will not get scared by people as long as you leave them alone or…
Its rare to see a Coyote in Maine and be able to get a picture of it. Coyotes are known to kill deer and other…
Rabbits are abundant in Maine, most likely to be seen running across the road, or scampering into the woods. The small creatures diet consists of…