Located on Blackstream in Bradley, Maine. Leonard Mills is a recreated historical landmark from the 1700’s. It features live animals, wooden buildings, wheels, and a once a year, major event called Living History Days. On this special occasion, which is completely free, they navigate you through a reenactment of the pioneer days.

Leonard’s Mills is named after Oliver Leonard, an early settler in the town of Bradley. The culture rich establishment will give you the once in a lifetime opportunity to see how things were in the good old days. And one of the favorite things when parents bring their kids to this spot is to see where stone dam once you use to operate. You will walk all around and if you want, you can have guides explain to you how the water once was used in the good old days.

This is a must stop, at all times in the spring, summer, and fall, please visit the historical museum for more information on events, donations, and when the opening hours are.

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